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MT-147 - CeramAlloy Solves Panama Canal Tugboat Pump Corrosion Problem
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Panama Canal Tugboat Pump METALCLAD
MT-145 - Romanian Wastewater Treatment Facility Repairs Impeller Shaft with DurAlloy
Featured Products: DurAlloy
Wastewater Treatment Facility Impeller Shaft METALCLAD
MT-144 - CeramAlloy HTL Used to Repair & Protect High Temperature Pulp & Paper Mill Rollers
Featured Products: CeramAlloy HTL
Corrugated Carton Manufacturer High Temp. Pulp and Paper Mill Rollers METALCLAD
MT-142 - Wastewater Treatment Facility Brings 25 Year Old Pump Back To Life With CeramAlloy
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Wastewater Treatment Facility Pump METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, DurAlloy, DuraWrap
Power Plant Cooling Tower Supply Line METALCLAD
MT-140 - Preventative Maintenance with CeramAlloy Protects Intake Spools on U.S. Navy Cargo Ship
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC
U.S. Navy Cargo Ship Intake Spools METALCLAD
MT-139 - After 10 Years in Service on a 680 ft. Alaskan Fish Processing Ship CeramAlloy Coated Pump Impellers Look Like New
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Fish Processing Ship Pump Impellers METALCLAD
MT-138 - CeramAlloy Used to Repair Fishing Boat & Tug Boat Propeller Hubs
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Fishing and Tug Boat Propeller Hubs METALCLAD
MT-137 - 60 Year Old Francis Turbine Casings Are Saved By DuraWrap
Featured Products: CHEMCLAD XC, DurAlloy, DuraWrap
Power Station Pump Casings METALCLAD
MT-136 - Tugboat Operator Selects CeramAlloy to Combat Erosion/Corrosion on Their Kort Nozzles
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC
Tugboat Kort Nozzles METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC
Waste Gas Cleaning Plant Exhaust Stack METALCLAD
MT-134 - 12 Massive Circulating Pump Casings at this Nuclear Power Plant Were Repaired and Protected with CeramAlloy
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC
Nuclear Power Plant Pump Casings METALCLAD
MT-133 - 11 Years & Still Counting...CeramAlloy Continues to Protect Aircraft Carrier AFFF Stations
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC
Aircraft Carrier AFFF Stations METALCLAD
MT-101 - CeramAlloy Continues to Protect AFFF Stations on this Aircraft Carrier for Over 5 Years
Featured Products: CeramAlloy
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Data Center Heat Exchangers METALCLAD
MT-131- Chilean Hospital Pumps Brought 'Back to Life' with CeramAlloy and CHEMCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC, CHEMCLAD SC
Hospital Hard Water Pump METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Power Station Salt Water Circulating Pump METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC, CHEMCLAD SC
Power Plant Cooling Water Pipeline METALCLAD
MT-128 - Food Manufacturer Uses CeramAlloy to Repair and Protect Chillers
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Food Manufacturer Chillers METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+, CeramAlloy CP+
Nuclear Power Station Spool Piece METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy
Gas Supplier Heat Exchangers METALCLAD
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CBX
Steel Mill Barrel Reclaimer METALCLAD
MT-124 - Waste Water Treatment Plant Salvages Unsalvageable Pump Suction Housing with CeramAlloy
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Wastewater Treatment Pump Suction Housing METALCLAD
MT-123 - Moroccan Fishing Boat Saves Propeller Shaft with METALCLAD
Featured Products: DurAlloy
Fishing Boat Propeller Shaft METALCLAD
Featured Products: DurAlloy
Wastewater Treatment Facility Shaft of Rotating Biological Contractor METALCLAD
MT-121 - METALCLAD CeramAlloy CP+AC Repairs Pitting and Corrosion on Hydroelectric Dam Tainter Gates
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CP+AC
Hydroelectric Dam Tainter Gates METALCLAD
MT-120 - Oil Company in Thailand Repairs 22 'Problem Areas' with DuraWrap
Featured Products: DurAlloy, DuraWrap
Oil Company 20 Inch Diameter Pipe METALCLAD
MT-119 - Mexico’s Largest Petrochemical Company Specifies METALCLAD CeramAlloy for Repairs to Heat Exchanger Tube Sheets
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC, CeramAlloy CP+AC
Petrochemical Company Heat Exchanger Tube Sheets METALCLAD
MT-118 - Waste Water Treatment Facility Repairs Pipe with DuraWrap
Featured Products: DurAlloy, DuraWrap
Wastewater Treatment Sewage Intake Pipe METALCLAD
MT-117 - METALCLAD CeramAlloy Stops Corrosion on Power Plant Heat Exchangers
Featured Products: CeramAlloy CL+AC
Power Plant Heat Exchangers METALCLAD

ENECON NEWS are for educational use only. They are not intended as a substitute for full professional training or careful job planning, as each installation varies in its individual circumstances. Professional judgment is required with each installation, in conjunction with any applicable laws, regulations, or building codes. Copyright ENECON Corporation. All rights reserved.